VICKIE WEST 29th November 2009

Hey Lulu, I can't put down in words how much everyone misses you. I miss your gorgeous little cheeky smile and the way you never let anything let you down. I hope your having fun in heaven baby and i hope you like the collage we made for you in the bag room. The pictures in the window go through and you can see them really well from the outside! And when the sun shines through the window Into the bagroom it lights up your beautiful face and its so pritty!!! Thank you so much for the mempries baby and i promise i wont forget you ever, you'll always be in my heart and i'll carry on loving you forever baby. You didn't disurve to leave but what happens, happens and it goes to show that they only take the best. Sweet dreams baby, sleep tight, i love you so much and i will keep my promise to you. Loads of Love Amilia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx