VICKIE WEST 19th January 2010

Hi Lucie, Happy new year! (even though its a bit late. but oh well!) We have started our science GCSEs and they are sooo hard! I bet your glad you dont have to do them! Its been snowing so much and we thaught we would not get in to school to do them because of all the snow! Me and my sister (the one who looks exactly like me as you said, you used to say that to annoy me! lol) built an igloo, but thats melted. We all had a huge snowball fight at school and you would have loved it! I was just remebering back to year 7 when we used to be the 'bread buddies' that was really funny! And im always going to keep the matching tops that me, Cat you and Emma got in Italy on the choir trip! It reminds me all the fun shopping we did there! I have the picture of you Cat and Emma leaning on a wall over a river on my door and you look so pretty (as always!) I will never ever ever forget you! I cant wait to meet you in the future! Love Hannah xxxxxxxxxxxxx